Friday, May 22, 2020

Classism Does Not Have A Standard Definition, It Is A Bias

Classism does not have a standard definition, it is a bias. Different segments of society will give you varied answers. We classify those around us in multiple ways. By genealogy, economic status, culture, language, gender, race and influence to name a few. Our country was founded on escaping from a ruling class. It has become apparent that no matter how hard we work to get rid of class structure, we will always have it in our society. One way to look at it is â€Å"Class may be correctly referred to as the status an individual or group achieves by virtue of its economic strength, the influence among other groups, and the power to affect change in its community of choice.† (Brantley,, 2003) In every segment of society there are different classes of people. We are put into categories by those in different class groups. There would not be a bias if we could all learn to accept everyone at face value. Not discriminate because of salary, dress and education. Our constitutio n states we are all created equal, in America, we are well aware that this is not the case. At the top of the pyramid we have the very rich, one percent, who controls the financial sector. This class consists of financiers and industrialists, which live lavish lifestyles. They are far removed from what we call the working poor or working class. President Obama falls into this category of wealth and privilege. Our government is a long way from what we originally started with. History teaches us that theShow MoreRelatedClass Essay : Class And Classism1514 Words   |  7 PagesClass and Classism My gender, having a military parent, our type of society and being a middle-class family is the biggest influences in terms of my own biases. Lareau states the best example of the next influence, which is how a person’s class affects their growth and development in Unequal Childhoods (2003). 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